DX 格式超廣角 AFP DX 尼克爾 10mm f/4556G VR 為您拓闊視野—這款鏡頭的焦距範圍為 10mm* 1 ,能夠捕捉遼闊開揚風景和壯觀宏麗建築物,保證令您驚喜又歡欣;鏡頭輕巧易攜,卻揉合了尼克爾各種創新技術,例如減震系統和更寧靜的自動對焦驅動機制,效能有所提升。The AFP DX NIKKOR 10mm f/4556G VR lens can go as wide as a staggering 10mm angle of view Images are incredibly sharp, even at the edges Another feature of the lens is that it lets you get as close as 86 inches to your subject for dramatic looking photographsOverall, the build quality of the Nikon 10mm f/4556G VR AFP DX lens is good for the money The focus ring is an area of weakness and for $310, it's unreasonable to expect rugged, Nikon Af P Dx Nikkor 10 mm F 4 5 5 6g Vr Review Photography Blog Nikon af-p dx nikkor 10-20mm f/4.5-5.6g vr review